Magrabi Health

Common Types of Vision Errors


Myopia (Nearsightedness)

This affects distance vision, causing objects to appear blurry due to light focusing in front of the retina.
Symptoms: Headaches, eyestrain, squinting, and fatigue during distance activities.


Hyperopia (Farsightedness)

Hyperopia affects near vision, making it difficult to see close-ups. This occurs when light focuses behind the retina.
Symptoms: Headaches and eyestrain during close work.



This is caused by an irregular corneal or lens shape, resulting in blurred or distorted vision.
Symptoms: Blurred vision, headaches, and difficulty seeing details at all Distances.



An age-related condition, affecting near vision due to lens hardening.
Symptoms: Holding reading materials at arm’s length, eyestrain, and headaches during close-up work.

Magrabi Health

Treating Refractive Errors with Magarbi Health

At Magrabi Health, we offer the best eye care in the UAE. Our patients benefit from our team's expertise in refractive error correction, experiencing significant improvements in their vision.  By offering personalised solutions, we don't just enhance sight—we help improve overall quality of life.