Know about Vitreo-Retina Ailments

Vitreo Retinal test

Know about Vitreo-Retina Ailments

What are Vitreo-Retina Diseases

Vitreo-Retina diseases affect structures in the eye called the retina and the vitreous. The retina is the light-sensitive layer in the back of the eye that focuses images and sends information to the brain via the optic nerve. On the other hand, the vitreous is a clear gel that fills the space between the lens on the front wall of the eye and the retina. Our treatments provide the best care for Vitreo- Retina ailments across the UAE.

What We Do at Magrabi HEALTH

Expert Vitreo-Retinal check

What We Do at Magrabi HEALTH

How Magrabi Health Treats Vitreo-Retina Conditions

Magrabi Health incorporates highly advanced diagnostic technologies and on-site imaging for the best eye care in the UAE. Our skilled ophthalmologists treat vitreo-retina complications with minimally invasive vitrectomy, anti-VEGF therapy, and laser photocoagulation, restoring sight and quality of life.

Spotting Signs Of Vitreo-Retinal Diseases

Could you be suffering from Vitreo-Retinal Diseases? Watch for these signs.

Tiny spots or specks in your vision that resemble flying gnats can be a sign If you are seeing these, it’s time to come in for a checkup.

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Bright, flickering lights in your peripheral vision occur when the vitreous tugs on the retina. Immediate evaluation is essential.

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A gradual loss of peripheral vision, like a curtain closing, may signal retinal detachment can be a cause for worry. We recommend you take time to get it checked out!

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Straight lines appearing wavy or distorted may indicate macular disease. Timely diagnosis can prevent further vision issues.

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Magrabi Health
Innovative Vitreo-Retinal Solutions

Common Vitreo-Retinal Conditions We Manage Health

At Magrabi Health, we believe in providing customized care for every vitreo-retina condition. Our treatments utilize the latest advancements in retinal care to deliver effective solutions with a focus on safety and successful outcomes.


Vitrectomy Surgery

Expert Surgical Care for Retinal Conditions: At Magrabi Health, we offer vitrectomy surgery to treat retinal conditions with precision. Our specialists ensure effective, personalised treatment, focused on achieving the best outcomes for your eye health.


Anti-VEGF Injections

Targeted Therapy for Retinal Diseases: We recommend anti-VEGF injections for conditions such as diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration. The targeted treatment helps prevent vision loss by inhibiting abnormal blood vessel growth.


Laser Therapy

Minimally Invasive Retina Therapy: At Magrabi Health, laser therapy seals leaky blood vessels in the eyes and prevents future damage to the retina. This is a safe non-surgical option for problems such as diabetic retinopathy.

Why Magrabi HEALTH Stands Out in Vitreo-Retinal Treatment

Our Approach to Vitreo-Retinal Treatment

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Real Stories from Vitreo-Retina Patients

Our patients share their experiences and success stories, highlighting the positive impact that advanced vitreo-retina treatments at Magrabi Health have had on their lives. Read how we’ve helped them regain their vision and confidence.

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FAQs For Vitreo-Retina Procedures

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